Last weekend, with the action of cleaning the riverbed and the shore of the Lim river, members of the Sports Club "Lim" continued preparations for the European Championship in fly fishing in Berane.
They believe that it is necessary that as many people as possible take part in the actions, to show that Berane is a good host.
"We managed to clean up around six hundred meters of the coast and basin from the middle of the Harem resort to the main road in the settlement Talum. In this section alone we collected about 40 large bags of rubbish and made several piles of different waste that we will we have to pick up with the help of mechanization," said a member of the SRC "Lim" Bosko Vulevic.
He explained that due to still very high-water levels they did not manage to reach the other bank of the river, but they would do so as soon as the water level drops in that part.
According to him, this track is actually one of the routes that will be used by fishermen from 20 European countries that will participate in fly fishing championship early next month.
"There will be five sessions in Berane, deployed on three racing days, with 20 fishing clubs already signed up, which means that we will have 100 fishermen who will be fishing here. The organizing rules are very strict, so we are expecting a lot of work in the coming days, especially in the preparation of the track," explained the president of the Sports Fishing Club" Lim "Milutin Micovic. A member of the club and champion of Montenegro in the Fly fishing League for 2018, Bojan Pesic, trying to explain the chaotic state of the nature along Lim, says that the main cause is a low level of citizen awareness when it comes to protecting the environment.
"We are intensively cleansing Lim and the coast, and you would not believe what we've come across and what amount of trash we picked up. Our people simply do not have the awareness that nature should be preserved and that they do not need to throw away garbage wherever they want. For that very reason, in the coming days, all the way to the championship, we will have increased control and every unconscientious citizen will be sanctioned," Pesic said.
The European fly-fishing championship will be held from 1 to 7 July in Berane, Plav and Andrijevica, which will be the first time that Montenegro gets the chance to host the most important fishing contest on the old continent.
Three shares are in Plav, and one in Berane and Andrijevica.
Members of the SRC "Lim" from Berane started the action of cleaning the banks of the river Lim two weeks ago, especially on the route where this prestigious competition will be held, so that both Berane and Montenegro would be presented in the best possible way to the fly fishing lovers coming from well-developed and arranged European states.
Text by Tufik Softic, on June 23rd, 2019, read more at Vijesti
21 June 2019 - Members of the first class of voluntary military service went down in the history of Montenegro, as they showed their personal bravery and courage in assuming such responsible duty as military service. They made their own contribution to the development and growth of their country, said the Minister of Defence, Predrag Bošković, during the ceremony in Danilovgrad organized to honor those who completed their military service.
As representatives of the Ministry of Defence said, Bošković is very satisfied with the level of training. The team deserves compliments and attention.
He thanked volunteers for forging the way to a very important project.
“You have shown awareness and responsibility for your country. You have earned my respect because you dared to step into the unknown,” said Bošković.
However, he expressed hopes that none of them would ever have to come to the situation where they need to put on the uniform to defend this country from a foreign enemy.
Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, Colonel Svetozar Brajković, said that no individual could perform a heroic deed the way a group of people could.
“Our objective was establishing a collective spirit and we did it,” said Colonel Brajković.
Milorad Bojović, Dimitrije Došljak and Tea Idrizović were the best in the first class of voluntary military service. Minister Bošković handed them diplomas.
On behalf of the entire class, Milorad Bojović thanked the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of Montenegro for giving them a chance to serve a military term. He said it was an honor for them to be part of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and perform tasks just like professional soldiers.
“There is no vocation as honorable as the military vocation. Anybody who gets the chance to put on the military uniform and defend their own country has already done a lot for a lifetime. I promise that the Armed Forces of Montenegro can count on us whenever necessary,” said Milorad Bojović.
Source: Cafe del Montenegro
20 June 2019 - The Venice Commission adopted a positive opinion on the Draft Law on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Legal Status of Religious Communities, finding that the proposed legal text “brings important positive changes to the existing, out-dated legislation”.
In its opinion, the Venice Commission welcomes “the genuine efforts of the Montenegrin authorities” to replace the out-dated 1977 Law on Legal Position of Religious Communities. Furthermore, the Venice Commission welcomes the approach of the draft law to guarantee not only the freedom of religion, but also the freedom of non-religious beliefs, while commending the liberal approach taken in the provisions that prescribe the registration procedure for religious communities, safeguard their autonomy and guarantee the rights to religious teaching and establishment of religious schools.
The Opinion also welcomes the legal approach not to prescribe the registration of religious communities as compulsory.
“The approach taken by the draft law and the authorities is welcome. In addition, the Venice Commission stresses that the voluntary character of registration does not mean that religious communities may operate outside the legal system. In modern democracies, the constitutional limits to the state power over religious communities cannot be considered as a barrier to the assertion of the authority of the democratic state. Religious communities are not situated above or outside the national legal order: they have their place – although a special one, safeguarded and protected by specific fundamental rights - within that order,” the document reads, as reported by the Public Relations service within the Government of Montenegro.
Referring to the issue of property of religious communities, the Venice Commission notes: “Concerning the important issue of the properties of religious communities, the Venice Commission understands the concern of the Montenegrin authorities with regard to bringing legal certainty and addressing the issue of possible illegal/abusive registration in the name of religious communities in 1990s of a number of religious immovable properties which may be part of the cultural heritage of Montenegro. This is all the more so, because the state – according to Article 78 of the Constitution - must protect the natural and cultural heritage of the country. The Venice Commission welcomes in this respect that the solutions proposed in this draft law rely on long-standing legal principles of the Montenegrin legal order, and are not based on ad hoc rules, specific for this situation.”
In the Opinion, the Venice Commission has supported the Government's key objective for the Draft Law to guarantee to every citizen of Montenegro the freedom to be, or not to be, a believer of any religion, on their own free will, while affirming the right of the state to protect the property and cultural heritage that belongs to all citizens and to ensure that the laws of Montenegro apply equally to all, on the entire territory of the country.
The Montenegrin Government delegation, which participated in the work of the plenary session of the Venice Commission, headed by Minister of Human and Minority Rights Mehmed Zenka, thanked the Venice Commission for their expert opinion, while stating that all the suggestions and recommendations for further improvement and clarification of certain legal provisions will be carefully considered and incorporated in the final text of the Draft Law which will be sent to the Parliament for consideration and adoption.
Read more about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.
20 June 2019 - The Baroque building of the Bujović palace opened its doors to the young artist, architect Luka Pajović, who presented himself to the Perast audience with the first solo exhibition: In The Image of La Serenissima: Reflections on the architectural history of Perast (1687-1797).
Apart from the key artifacts from the archives of the Perast town, drawings of the previously unmapped Perast churches and bell towers, the exhibition is based on an eponymous research project, conducted between October 2018 and June 2019 under the auspices of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
The director of the Museums of Kotor, Dušan Medin, presented the biography of architect Pajović and talked about the importance of this project, which pointed to the significance of Perast and its historical and cultural importance in Bay of Kotor and the former Venice Republic.
Professor Ilija Lalošević also spoke about the historical importance and strategic position of Perast, and recalled the importance of Serenissima for the development of the town. The catalog and exhibition are documented in the last 100 years of the rule of Serenissima in Perast.
"Luka's architect's language can particularly talk to the visitors, while the ideal interpolation and reconstruction was done well, which means that the author responded to a high-level task," said professor Lalošević on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, as reported Radio Jadran.
Author Luka Pajović spoke about his impressions of Perast and the knowledge of the moment of construction that is characteristic of this Baroque city. He thanked everyone who provided him with assistance in this project after eight months of research and preparation.
"I would like to thank the RIBA for their inestimable financial and moral support, and for their decision to assist my work on this endlessly inspiring subject with one of their annual research awards. Thanks are also due to the Municipality of Podgorica and “Sveti Petar Cetinjski” Foundation, who provided additional financial aid to the project at its key stages," pointed out Pajović, adding that he owes debt to don Srećko Majić and Mrs Danka Lalošević, without whose generosity and patience throughout the process of surveying the churches of Perast this exhibition certainly would not take the form it does.
The exhibition will be opened until mid-July and the Museums of the City of Perast warmly recommended for audience of all age and professions.
Luka Pajović was born in Podgorica in 1995, where he received his elementary schooling and completed the first two years of secondary school, before continuing his studies at St. Peter’s School in York (UK). He completed his undergraduate studies of Architecture at the University of Cambridge Department of Architecture as a full scholar of Trinity College, having come top of his class two years in a row. Following his B. Arch. I studies, he spent a year working for the award-winning, London-based Tim Ronalds Architects, before returning to Montenegro to undertake a year-long independent research project, currently underway.
Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.
Director of Montenegro's Public Sea Management Company “Morsko dobro” Predrag Jelusic visited the Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Montenegro in Kotor (IBMK).
"At the meeting with the Institute's leadership, we discussed the continuation of cooperation between these two institutions in the realization of current and future projects, primarily in the field of monitoring the sanitary quality of seawater in bathing areas along the Montenegrin coast, as well as projects related to sea caves research, monitoring the impacts of beach landfills on the marine ecosystem and the continuation of cooperation on international projects dealing with the monitoring of waste in the sea and on the beaches," Morsko dobro said.
It has been estimated that the sea water on controlled beaches since the beginning of this year's season was of excellent quality and that more than 95% are of the first K1 category, as well as that from the next season in practice will be applied a new categorization as prescribed by the new Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development that transposes the provisions of the EU Directive on Sea Water Management. It is particularly emphasized the significance of the project dealing with biodiversity and pollution impacts in the Blue Cave in order to propose measures for the sustainable management of this cave, which represents a tourist attraction on our coast.
IBMK Director Mirko Djurovic thanked for the very successful cooperation with JP Morsko Dobro.
"After obtaining international accreditation for testing the sanitary quality of sea water, IBMK is fully committed to the realization of this activity, and it is planned to extend the scope of accredited methods for future obligations to be provided by Montenegro. related to different segments of the marine ecosystem monitoring in accordance with the requirements of the EU Directive," said Djurovic.
He and Jelusic with their associates also visited works on the construction of the first public aquarium in Montenegro - Boka Aquarium, which is being built on the ground floor of the IBNMK building in Dobrota. As announced, it was agreed that the Public Sea Management Company and IBMK would jointly invest in the design of an open part of the future aquarium complex that will be located in the yard of the Institute. The visitors will be allowed access to the aquarium with the planned landscaping, trails and green areas, and setting up of exhibition pavilions, and thus the outdoor presentation space will be complete. This joint investment will enable complete works on the public aquarium to be finished in the foreseen deadline, i.e., until April 2020.
Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on June 20th, 2019, read more at Vijesti
From the NATO Defense College (NDC) in Rome, so far, three representatives from Montenegro have got a degree that will enable them to advance in the service.
"Two of them attended the Integrated Partnership Orientation Course, and one attended the Senior Course after Montenegro became a member of the Alliance. No Montenegrins have ever attended the NATO course for regional cooperation or an even higher course. Anyway, we would love to see more Montenegrins in Rome," said the Commissar of the College, General Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Whitecross. When asked who t his College is intended for, the collocutor points out that its attendance is recommended to all those who will fill any NATO or national positions associated with that organization. She also points out that networking opportunities will continue long after the participants leave the College and return to their national or international positions. "We serve the needs of all NATO members and help our partner countries. At the college, we focus our programs on education, research, and information: on the process of education in the states of allies and partner states on how NATO works, on the importance of consensus, skills that are the cornerstone of the Alliance's decision making process and on the creation of a network of military and civilian leaders who get to know each other and cooperate with each other, " Whitecross said.
He adds that at this institution in Rome, they explore topics that are relevant to the Alliance and which can lead to a better understanding of the challenges we face and the opportunities ahead. The College itself has a large number of courses - the most prominent is the Senior Course, which lasts almost six months, and the NATO Cooperation Course, which lasts 10 days.
The first course brings together senior civilian and military rankings from the defense, foreign and internal affairs sector to get acquainted with the Alliance activities, discussing the challenges NATO faces and, as already mentioned, gaining the skills to work in NATO organizations. Participants of the Higher Course are taught through daily lectures by experts from the University, military and civilian leaders and by well-known experts. Moreover, they have the opportunity to participate in study visits, where they come in contact with representatives of the national institutions - from parliaments and ministries, military and civilian - just like here in Montenegro this week," Whitecross explained, adding that such visits are an exceptional opportunity to gain knowledge from people belonging to a particular region, to better understand local geopolitical and geo-social issues, but also to make the relevant questions. The delegation of about 100 representatives of the College, led by the Commander, is staying here for a visit to Montenegro. It is a visit that is being realized within the study tour for the participants of their High School, which brings together senior officers and civilian officials from 32 countries. Whitecross goes on to say that NATO's course for regional cooperation is similar by its description to the higher one. "But it lasts shorter and therefore gets less in the details, and its discourse is limited to the region of the Middle East and North Africa. Both courses are for officers of the rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel. However, there are courses available for senior officers, diplomats and public clerks," she said.
Just as NATO relies on Montenegro, Montenegro can rely on NATO, the College Leader said. "The Montenegro Trust Fund enables the destruction of more than 400 tons of surplus weapons, and our mission to protect the air ensures safety in the airspace above Montenegro, with the support of the aircraft of Italy and Greece. Therefore, we can conclude that relations between NATO and Montenegro are mutually beneficial and that they are of importance to the collective security system as a whole. I must point out that without security there can be neither progress nor prosperity. This link is already noticeable in everyday circumstances as the inflow of foreign direct investment from the Allied states to Montenegro doubled since Alliance 2017, and in the Republic of Northern Macedonia this number tripled over the past year, "she said. Whitecross also stressed that Montenegro - first as a partner and now as a member - is responsibly contributing to Euro-Atlantic security, including KFOR missions in Kosovo, "Decent Support" in Afghanistan, Enhanced NATO presence in Latvia and intends to participate in the training mission in Iraq. "NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has been pleased to discuss our longstanding relationship when he hosted the president (Milo) Djukanovic at the NATO headquarters in Brussels in March this year and thanked him for the continued contribution of Montenegro in improving security," she said.
Text by Milos Rudovic, on June 20th, 2019, read more at Vijesti
20 June 2019 - Sunday will be a non-working day for trade shops in Montenegro, since during its latest session, the Government of Montenegro and the Montenegrin Parliament voted for approval of this amendment to the Internal Trade Act. Total of 44 deputies voted in favor, while there were no abstentions and votes against, as reported by Investitor.
In the trade sector, which employs 37.000 people, through the proposed legal solution, Sunday will be declared a non-working day, and bylaws will bring decisions on exceptions and what are the basic needs of the citizens.
The Ministry of Economy has previously explained that the application of the law will start three months after its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.
"By introducing a non-working Sunday, employers will be able to significantly increase labor productivity, reduce maintenance costs and regular service costs, so such a legal solution cannot affect the reduction in the number of employees, but jobs can be evenly distributed on working days, and employees in the shop have a non-working Sunday as they have employees in other industries," Ministry of Economy stated earlier.
The introduction of a non-working Sunday was proposed by traders in October 2108, and they soon received the support of the trade association of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and employers.
The committee then announced that the introduction of a non-working Sunday would "increase the productivity of labor". The employers' union has announced that they will submit an initiative to review the constitutionality of the changes to the Law on Internal Trade.
Read more news about lifestyle in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.
20 June 2019 - Organized by NIP Art Press from Budva, a joint exhibition of 25 famous authors from the country and the world will be opened at the Adria Gallery in Budva on Saturday, June 22, reports RTV Budva.
The exhibition will officially open on June 22 at 9 pm at the gallery of the gorgeous hotel in Budva – Hotel Adria. Hotel Adria is a modern and elegant 4-star hotel in the heart of Budva, sharing the same building with the shopping centre TQ Plaza. The exhibition space at the Adria Hotel will present the works of renowned painters from the country and the world and enrich the cultural offer of the city, but also represent a place of positive energy for the artists, the citizens of Budva and the guests of the hotel. Hotel Adria is thus recognizable as a place that fosters the connection between tourism and culture, both with citizens of Budva and with foreign guests. The hotel has over 360 valuable artworks and is certainly one of the largest hotel galleries in the Mediterranean.
At the exhibition, art lovers and guests will be able to see numerous artworks by famous painters, made in acrylic and oil on canvas.
Deputy Mayor of Budva Municipality, Vladimir Bulatović, recognized the importance of the Adria Gallery and cultural content that the gallery offers to citizens of Budva and Montenegro, as well as tourists who come to visit Budva. “The people who run this hotel, in cooperation with Budva's Art Press, are very well aware of the cultural goods which they offer to their guests from the world, but also to the citizens of Budva. This is a true proof of how fine arts have no boundaries and how much they can bring people from different parts of the world together,” said the Budva’s Deputy Mayor Bulatović for in4s News Portal.
This large exhibition of paintings by twenty-five authors will be opened by the end of August, it was announced from Budva's Art Press.
Read more about events in Montenegro at TMN's dedicated page.
The oldest Montenegrin brewery "Trebjesa" delighted consumers and lovers of different brewing styles with a new beer. Niksic’s IPA comes from a brewery that is regionally known for its lager beers.
IPA beers differ from lager beers by using different yeast, more hops and production methods. IPA is an abbreviation for India Pale Ale, a sub-type of beer, made by the British in the 18th century and is today one of the most popular beers around the world.
The first presentation of the new beer of “Trebjesa” was organized in their home town ofNiksic, at the cafe bar “Floyd”, with the presence of employees, partners, media representatives and friends of the company.
"The oldest Montenegrin brewery is expected to inherit the tradition, but also to be modern and up-to-date with the trends. Our answer is to keep the existing quality and recognizability, but also to innovate, offer different tastes, and bring global beer trends," said Jelena Pavicevic, marketing manager at "Trebjesa ".
Niksic IPA is one of the company's biggest innovations this year. "Because of this, we have invested all our passion for beer and with quality ingredients and proven masters, we made a beer that with its aroma awakens all senses. Making the first IPA beer in "Trebjesa" was a great challenge for all of us, but we hope we have made a beer that everyone ready for new experiences will truly enjoy," Pavicevic said.
The Niksic IPA is already available in shops and bars, in glass bottles 0,33l and cans of 0,5l. For those who prefer draft beer - Niksic IPA beer can be also ordered at the cafe bars.
In addition to the IPA, the family of beers produced at "Trebjesa" include the Niksic original, Niksic Dark, Niksic Gold, Niksic Unfiltered and Niksic Cool.
Text by Promo, on June 19th, 2019, read more at Vijesti
Nature Park (PP) "Piva", as a way to welcome the tourist season in the best possible way and offer visitors a pleasant stay, decided to enrich the offer but also improve the existing infrastructure. Thus, in the village Unac, in the viewpoint where there the visitors can enjoy the view of Piva Lake, Pluzine and the mountain massive Bioc, Maglic and Volujak, are benches, tables, and waste bins, while four info boards were installed in the Park itself, providing information on the plant and animal world in the Nature Park "Piva”.
"On the basis of the previous agreement with the national parks 'Durmitor' and 'Sutjeska', they have also been able to open the tourist info center on Scepan Polje for visitors, where they will be able to get acquainted with the tourist offer of these parks and where foreign citizens can register their staying," said NP "Piva".
As part of the project "Supply of equipment for supervisors in the Nature park Piva in for rescuing in inaccessible areas", approved and financed by the Montenegrin Ministry of Interior affairs, they have acquired four sets of equipment, and for the employees of Crkvicko Polje, one-day training has been organized. After the completion of the tourist season, a seven-day training is planned to enable supervisors to master the rescuing techniques in difficult terrains.
The employees in the Park participated along with the ethno-villages "Izlazak" and "Nevidio" in the action of cleaning the bicycle trail "Top Trail 4", which runs between the mentioned villages.
"In cooperation with the Employment Service, through our employment program through public work, we have hired two people from the records of unemployed people in Pluzine, which will take care of environmental hygiene at the Park", said the press release.
Text by Svetlana Mandic, on June 19th, 2019, read more at Vijesti