July 15, 2018 - A private company that specializes in breeding and selling shellfish mainly for the domestic market, “Školjke Boke” was granted the right to use the trademark "Goods from Montenegro" for its products, as was decided at the meeting held by The Council for granting the trademark of the visual labelling of Montenegrin products "Goods from Montenegro" on July 11, 2018.
The project of visual labelling of Montenegrin products "Goods from Montenegro" was implemented by the Montenegrin Chamber of Economy with the main goal of recognition, high quality and successful placement of Montenegrin products on the domestic and foreign markets. The campaign “Goods from Montenegro” is aimed at animating the entire Montenegrin public and directly addressing producers, consumers, trade networks, wholesale and retail facilities as well as domestic distributors in order for them to accept the criteria of the international market, raise the level of product quality and make the business more economical in order to successfully get the imported products on the domestic market, by competing prices and quality, and consolidate the way towards export.
The company "Školjke Boke" was granted the right to use the badge "Good from Montenegro", for its main products, oysters, and mussels. It is a private company that began with the sale of shellfish in 2010, with the annual production volume on average at about 20 tons of mule and up to three hundred thousand pieces of oysters, which is mainly sold on the domestic market and with only a small part going to export. Based on the verification of all implemented procedures and standards in the production process, this company is classified in the first category of subjects in production food, which means that its production is fully compliant with EU standards.
The company "Školjke Boka" has harmonized its marketing activities with the needs of successful realization of a healthy market position, ensuring recognition and differentiation of one's own identity through media channels, distribution of information and promotional messages according to the report of the Technical Committee for Meat, Fish and Meat Products on the evaluation of the request, granting the right to use the collective trademark "Goods from Montenegro".