"The Little Pirate" directed by Milan Karadžić and written by Aleksandra Glovacki will be played on Sunday, August 18th at Purgatorije Festival in Tivat. The show premiered last year in Tivat on December 20th in the coproduction of Culture Centre Tivat and CityTheatre Podgorica. It will be performed on Sunday at 9 pm at the Tivat Summer Stage.
The play is inspired by Ante Staničić’s novel “The Little Pirate”. The Tivat writer found inspiration for his books on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, among his countrymen whom he considered very brave.
“Ante Staničić's novel "The Little Pirate" marked time and space that everyone gladly remembers, through projects we happily return to him. For me, it was especially inspiring to return to Tivat after many years, wanting to do a play that would be loved to watch and play.
The play "Little Pirate" is an homage to good comics, adventure scenes and lucid film directors, on the one hand, and on the other, confronting our small towns and the inhabitants, not very well-intentioned towards our heroes, those rare ones who have the courage to be different, their own. Our story puts the wind in the back of everyone who carries that grain of courage,” the director said.
This adventure story, in the form of a musical with elements of comedy and melodrama, happens in the 18th century when pirates seized the seas. The work depicts, among other things, the lives of Bokelian mariners and their customs from that time. In addition to exciting and dramatic events, the story also sends a strong message of love, both to other people and nations and to the family.
Cast: Pavle Popović, Goran Slavić, Miloš Kašćelan, Jelena Đukić, Miloš Pejović, Marija Maša Labudović, Dubravka Drakić, Pavle Ilić, Sanja Popović, Branko Ilić, Marija Đurić, Jelena Simić, Katarina Krek, Branka Femić Šćekić, Omar Bajramspahić, Ivan Kašćelan.
The show “Little Pirate” is for ages 7 to 107.