Public Invitation for People with Disabilities to Participate in “Press to Work” Project - Click and Work!

By , 12 Aug 2019, 16:33 PM Lifestyle

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The Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro, in cooperation with TV “Vijesti”, is launching the PRESS TO WORK project - CLICK & (WORK) whose key purpose is to contribute to the promotion of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWD) in Montenegro.

The goals that will be achieved through the project are:

  1. Reduction of social exclusion of at least six PWDs through participation in employment preparation activities over the next five months;  
  2. Employment of at least three PWDs for at least five months during the project implementation and employment of at least one PWD during the eight months of the project implementation and after its implementation;  
  3. Create at least three new jobs for people with disabilities in the next 10 months and fill the vacancy and  
  4. Informing at least 2000 employers about the importance of employing PWDs and raising awareness of families, decision-makers and the general public about the benefits of using PWDs.

These objectives will be achieved through the implementation of the following activities:

1. Basic Computer Training (Microsoft Office, Internet, Computer Network) - This means basic knowledge of the programs: Microsoft Office, Internet and computer network. Bearing in mind that PWDs involved in the project will master basic computer skills, this training will include 24 lessons, which involves systematizing computer skills and preparing for advanced levels. All six PWDs involved in the project will be involved in this activity, although the person doesn't need to be employed under the Employment Service.

2. Advanced computer training (Word Press, Joomla, image and video preparation and processing programs) - implies advanced computer training with a special focus on advanced Word options, and programs for image and visual design and editing, graphics, symbols and illustrations, as well as print preparation, as well as work on the Internet, primarily Wordpress and Joomla, where most websites and portals are created. So, training involves preparing, editing and administering text and images, then visualizing, preparing for print and updating web content. All six people with disabilities will be included in this activity, which will cover 50 lessons. The activity involves being trained to work in specific workplaces. After this training, the job description of each PWI who will be hired after the training will be determined.

3. Public relations training - involves the introduction of communication and information media, the importance of information and communication channels, and consists of the following main topics: Public relations concept, Public relations functions, Public relations activities, Public relations planning, and Relations with the media, within which the following topics will be covered: press statement, media appearances, press releases and the like. The training will include 15 lessons and is intended for all participants in the project. The training will be conducted in the first months of employment of the PWD.

4. Marketing training - primarily involves training for internet marketing, but also marketing, that is, "selling" other services. It will be conducted in parallel with public relations training. It implies 10 lessons with the obligation of attendance of all participants in the project. The training will be conducted in the first months of employment of the PWD.

5. Employment of persons with disabilities - involves the selection of at least three project participants to be employed in the positions of editors, that is, administrators and technicians of graphic preparation for a minimum duration of five months during the implementation of the project. The employees will sign the contract with the UMHCG and will work in the main premises of the UMHCG, and the premises where the UMHCG printing house is located. The PWD employees will be accompanied by a mentor throughout their employment.

6.Implementation of the Employment Service; Employment service is, in fact, a recent activity that involves informing, liaising with employers and providing them with opportunities for practical work and employment in conjunction with them. It also includes the provision of legal advice in the field of work and employment, consultation and guidance on the exercise and protection of rights in this field. This Service will last throughout the project, and within the same, we expect the employment of one PWD.

7. Monitoring employees of PWDs and promoting the importance of employment of PWDs; This activity includes tracking the work and performance of PWD employees and will be carried out every five months after their employment. The Coordinator of the Employment Service and the mentor of the PWD employees will monitor the work of the PWD, i.e., the work process, will be available to deal with different situations. At the same time, the activity implies the promotion of the activities of PWD employees as well as the importance of employment, i.e., work engagement of PWD in general, not only participants in this project.

8. Media Campaign (social networks, portal, partner media: TV shows, written and video content) - will cover the preparation and broadcasting of shows, other TV content, texts, then the campaign on social networks, and all in order to inform as many employers and citizens as possible about the right to work of persons with disabilities and the importance of their employment.

The target group of the project is the unemployed PWD, who will be involved in the activities of preparation for employment, the process of employment and work, and monitoring during the employment and promotion of the importance of employment of PWD.

The project will be implemented by UMHCG in partnership with TV “Vijesti” for a period of 10 months, starting on July 23, 2019, in the territory of Podgorica and will include PWDs from all over Montenegro.

The Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro invites interested persons with disabilities who are on the register of ZZZGG, who are not participants in other projects and who were not involved in projects under Public Invitation no. 11-896 dated 22.01.2018 and no. 11-11463 dated 31.07.2018 to apply for participation in the activities above.

Interested candidates are required to submit a short CV and motivation letter by Tuesday, August 20, 2019, by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the FB page of the Association (

Any additional questions can be forwarded by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and the Association's FB page (, by Thursday, August 15, 2019, indicating that the inquiry is related to the participation in the “Press to work” project - Click and work. 

The project was supported by the Employment Service of Montenegro.

Text by Promo, on August 12th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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