How to be trendy and live up to the present times and respect the principles of faith, whether the determination of the faith of a child from the parents of various religions is a matter of religious or cultural legacy, whether science will continue to provoke religion or science will prevail and become contradictory to religion, are some of the questions of the young people who were in the focus of the panel discussion "Faith in the Youth" at the House of Culture in Bar.
Organized by the NGO "Bar’s Cool Tour ", the questions were answered by Mirceta Sljivancanin, coordinator of the Montenegrin-coastal Metropolitan Katihet’s Committee, the Islamic Community's counselor Reis Hafiz Sulejman Bugari and Don Ivan Vukcevic from the Archdiocese of Bar.
They emphasized that respect, love and dialogue are the essence of faith, for which, as it has been said, "besides the free will that has been given to everyone," the most significant role belongs to the family.
"Be open-minded, but more open-hearted to everyone different from you. Arm yourself with knowledge and love, because the more you get to know each other, the more you become aware of yourself," the panel participants said.
While pointing out that this is "another proof that Bar is a symbol of inter-religious harmony", Ferida Perocevic from the NGO "Bar’s Cool Tour " thanked everyone for the understanding and support of the Montenegrin-coastal Metropolitan, Mejlis of the Islamic Community and the Bishop's Ordinariate.
She pointed out that the initiator of such a dialogue was a pupil from the Gymnasium "Niko Rolovic" Azra Rastoder.
Bar’s religious dignitaries welcomed participants and visitors of the panel.
The archpriest Slobodan Zekovic thanked the youth "as they realized that faith is the cornerstone of the human being and the overall existence".
The main imam of Bar, Muidin ef. Milaimi, said that religious dignitaries from Bar continue the tradition of Bar "and by showing our example to the next generations that we must live together, no matter what our name is and whose confessions we belong to." On behalf of the archbishop of Bar Roko Djonlesaj, don Keljmende Spaci told the youth that faith is "the remedy of souls and bodies" and told them to believe and pray to God "if they want a better and quieter life".
Text by Radomir Petric, on May 4th, 2019, read more at Vijesti