JU Cultural Center "Nikola Djurkovic" Kotor, the city library and reading room, is organizing a Municipal Recital Competition for primary and secondary schools on the occasion of World Poetry Day, on March 21st, at 1 p.m. in the Cinema "Boka".
The competition will take place in three categories: First category - elementary school pupils from the first to the fifth grade, 2nd category - elementary school students from the sixth to the ninth grade and the third category - high school students.
In 1999 UNESCO proclaimed March 21st as the World Poetry Day highlighting that "the purpose of having a World Poetry Day is to contribute to the promotion of reading, writing, publishing and teaching poetry throughout the world, as well as the promotion of national, regional and international poetic movements."
The city library and reading room in Kotor joins the celebration of this significant date by encouraging young fellow citizens to show talent in the lovely poetry recitals, to cherish the love for poetry and to develop the right attitude towards art and culture.
For more information please visit TMN's dedicated page
Text by CdM, on March 18th 2019, read more at CdM