07 January 2019 - Interest in the third phase of the project “1000 +” was huge last year. Organizers from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism said that they were not able to give vouchers to all the applicants because of the limited budget. Therefore, they started the preparation for the fourth phase.
In the third phase of the project, there were more than 1000 applicants. So far, around 470 vouchers have been issued. Approximately 160 priority persons have been issued with a voucher and 200 citizens who belong to target groups. Then, in December last year, another 110 vouchers have been given to employees in the public sector, young married couples up to 35 and other users.
General Director of the Directorate for Housing Development, Mirko Čanović, says that they have planned the continuation of this project in the budget for this year and they had already started negotiating with the representatives of the Council of Europe Development Bank.
“I am delighted that citizens had trust in this project and recognized its quality. We have planned the fourth phase of it, and our ultimate objective is that the citizens resolve their housing issues simply and favourably. I am sure that in this next phase as well, we will enable the best market conditions,” said Čanović.
They provided a set of conveniences. The key convenience is the lowest interest rate in the market. In comparison to the previous three phases, what is new in the fourth phase is that the participation in the purchase value of the real estate is not mandatory. Also, this time, old-building apartments will be in the offer. Through the cooperation with the private sector, they will tend to provide additional conveniences.
Čanović pointed out that they would give the vouchers until the funds are spent.
Source: Cafe del Montenegro