3,311 Graduates Await Professional Training

By , 15 Nov 2018, 12:06 PM Lifestyle
Professional training for students Professional training for students CdM

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November 14, 2018 - In the next few days, college students can apply for participation in the Professional Training Program. As previously announced, the application process will last until November 18th.

Whether the electronic application will be locked on Sunday or will be prolonged for Monday, in accordance with the Law on Administrative Procedure, it will be announced in due course by the Ministry of Education.

At the Employment Bureau, until Wednesday, November 14th the total of 3,311 high school students without a work experience applied.

Let’s recall that employers have offered around 11,000 jobs, of which 6,900 are in the real estate sector, and slightly more than 4,000 in health, education, police, military, law offices, enforcement officers, notaries, tourist organizations, political parties, public institutions, societies with the participation of state capital, etc.

Usually, the most wanted jobs are economists and lawyers. However, through the program, on average, from 3,000 to 3,500 people with higher education are included annually. Therefore, on vocational training, in six generations, there were a total of more than 20,000 highly educated students.

Professional training of users lasts nine months and is recognized as a work experience of 12 months and as a condition for taking the appropriate professional exam with higher education. According to the analysis, conducted by the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Tax Administration, about 50 percent of beneficiaries after completing the Vocational Training Program continue their work engagement.

Text by CdM, on November 15th, 2018, read more at CdM

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