He points out that there is a possibility that the works will be completed by the Municipality Day on November 20th.
Đacic explained that the company "Čikom", which was selected for the procurement and installation of equipment, began to equip the premises at the Academic Center in which RTV Pljevlja was located after the fire on May 22nd when the premises and most of the equipment in the building in the center city burned down.
The contract with the company "Čikom" from Podgorica, worth EUR 170,000, was signed on September 11th, and the equipment installation deadline is 50 days.
RTV Pljevlja currently broadcasts the news called Pljevlja chronicle via Youtube.
During the summer at an organized donation night, about €150,000 was collected for RTV Pljevlja.
Employees were paid the last earned June earnings, while RTV Pljevlja's account was blocked at one of the bank's requests due to non-payment of the installment for a loan received in 2010.
"So far, we have returned about 320,000 euros of interest-bearing loans, and we still have 18,000 euros left. I hope that by the end of the year we will succeed in returning what will make our business easier," said the director of RTV Pljevlja Dejan Milicic.
The Prosecution court in Pljevlja filed an indictment against Željko Laković from Podgorica on Monday, a worker of the company "Vatrometi Vuković", due to a fire on May 22nd when the premises of RTV Pljevlja burned down.
Lakovic is the only accused and prosecutor Ivan Gačević charged him for causing general danger, causing material damage in the total amount of about 118,000 euros. Much of the damage, about 85,000 euros, is made on the building and the rest on the equipment. For this criminal offense, a sentence of one to eight years in prison is foreseen. On the occasion of Independence Day, Lakovic lit fireworks from RTV Pljevlja, which, as expert witnesses found, caused the fire which burned down the entire property of this local media. In the presence of a lawyer he was previously detained in the Prosecutor's Office and denied the allegation, stating that the fireworks did not cause the fire. A Fire-fighting expert Radovan Popović stated that the fire was caused by the burning of a paper package from the fireworks, so-called batteries. Pljevlja Municipality has engaged the company "Vatromet Vuković" to fire the fireworks after the concert organized on Independence Day. The owner of the company Strahinja Vukovic said earlier that they fully respected the legal procedure when lighting fireworks. He claimed that he had the necessary permits and consent of RTV Pljevlja to light the fireworks from the roof of the building. The Act on Explosive Materials stipulates that professional fireworks are to be carried out with approved pyrotechnic materials on surfaces specially prepared for this purpose at the prescribed distance from facilities, communications and other areas.
Text by Goran Malidzan, on October 8th, 2018, read more at Vijesti