In other words, the LASPEH project’s aim is facing a loss of biodiversity by defining, among other things, a common strategy for preserving natural heritage and landscape in the basin of the Southern Adriatic.
"The project leader is Regional Nature Park "Coastal Dune from Torre Canne to Torre San Leonardo", in cooperation with the Albanian partner of the National Agency for Protected Areas, the Montenegrin Partner NPCG and three Italian partners at the Managing Authority of the Regional Natural Reserves of the East Coast of Taranto, the Municipality of Ugento and the Guardiaregia Municipality," pointed out the NP.
LASPEH will carry out more activities such as a transnational joint strategy for better management of priority species on Natura 2000 sites, preparation of protection plans for the three priority types in areas to be selected at a local (regional) level, conservation actions aiming to improve the target protection level species and habitats. This will improve the long-term environmental protection.
As announced, the introductory meeting of the LASPEH project, co-funded with around €500,000 under the Interreg IPA CBC program Italy-Albania-Montenegro, will be held on September 27th and 28th in the Italian city of Ostuni.
"In the end, there will be a campaign to raise the awareness of the local population (workshops on the preservation of the environment for schools, organized children's visits to the natural habitats, all with the aim of influencing the development of sustainable tourism)," said the National Parks of Montenegro.
Text by CdM, on September 26th 2018, read more at CdM