150 Radiations Per Day in the Oncology Clinic

By , 25 Sep 2018, 12:54 PM Lifestyle
The Clinical Center The Clinical Center Pobjeda

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September 25, 2018 - The device for external radiation at the Oncology Clinic still does not work, but the failure will soon be removed, and another appliance is available, the installation of which is underway, said the Clinical Center of Montenegro.

"The authorized repairer is working to eliminate the malfunction and our expectations are that the appliances will be operational quickly. The servicer will stay for a few days to run the appliance, to prevent any problems in its work, and provide continuity to the patients with radiation therapy," stated the healthcare institution. 

The existing apparatus for the external radiation, as explained by the Clinic, is subject to intermittent faults, to which, inter alia, contributes its overwork. Earlier, 45 to 50 patients were treated daily, and in the last seven years, this number tripled. There were about 15,000 annual check-ups, and now there are around 25,000, or 10,000 more. This growth trend of patients with cancer is not only characteristic of Montenegro, but also of the region and the world in general, due to the prolonged age of human life, as well as the bad habits of our citizens, that is, risk factors, to which every individual can influence, such as smoking tobacco, consumption of alcohol, then obesity," warned the Clinical Center. 

The latest data from GLOBOCAN shows that 2,366 new cancer patients have been registered in our country since the beginning of the year, while 1,287 people died from this disease.  The Clinical Center points out that with the oncologic illness changes do not occur overnight, so for example, to develop breast cancer of one centimeter it takes five to 10 years. This is why preventive measures are needed to reduce the number of people affected. It is important that citizens know that oncological patients in our institution are approaching multidisciplinary, where doctors of various specialties together make a decision on further treatment. This approach is not provided by so many healthcare institutions that are being advertised on a daily basis in various media," said KCCG, adding that other types of therapy, such as chemotherapy and drugs that in some cases have a better effect than radiation therapy, are also used for the treatment of oncological patients.

Text by Pobjeda, on September 25th 2018, read more at CdM

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