Public Companies and NGO Green Home Cleaned Green Areas in Podgorica

By , 04 Jul 2018, 15:53 PM Lifestyle
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July 4, 2018 - The public companies Putevi and Zelenilo and the Non-Governmental Organization Green Home, in cooperation with the Department of Protection, have launched a project to preserve green areas in the capital. Therefore, in the forest park near the Aluminum Combine, they carried out the latest in a series of actions for removing utility waste and small wild dumpsites, cleaned the fire-escape roads, and also removed the plant waste at risk for causing the fires.

As reported by the Capital, the company Putevi has cleaned the neglected and overgrown paths in the park and removed construction waste and garbage from the mentioned roads, thus allowing uninterrupted movement of firefighter trucks in case of need. 

"After that, the public company Zelenilo cut down and trimmed the bushes along the road, and in cooperation with the Town’s Protection Department, carried out the deposition and the controlled ignition of the same. One of the last in a series of activities was the removal of large volumes of utility waste, and this work started today by public companies and NGO Green Home activists," said the capital.

Eleven employees from “Cistoca” and volunteers from NGO Green Home have manually cleaned and collected the utility waste in the forest-park Ćemovsko polje – an area across the Logistic Center Voli. 

"Given the fact that this area has recorded a larger amount of construction materials and various large waste, “Cistoca” had one machine and three tire trucks for transporting the collected waste. Yesterday, 350 bags of mainly utility and smaller waste were collected, and 15 tire trucks tours of construction materials and other waste were freighted. As it was not possible to remove the deposited large amounts of construction material in a day, Cistoca continued with the cleaning today, and one machine and three tire trucks were engaged, as well as several workers who will collect the remaining utility waste," said the capital.

During the project, other activities were carried out in order to preserve all critical locations in the capital, so the Green home organization and public companies organized numerous preventive activities for fires and other activities in order to improve the environment in the capital. As part of the project, a promotional campaign was launched for carrying out a banner for the internet portals, and the design of educational leaflets was planned, which, during the tour of the most critical locations, and in other ways, would be shared by the members of the Protection Service.

"We believe that these and other activities which are jointly being carried out by the Capital, its companies and NGOs, will contribute to the preservation of Podgorica's natural beauty and the quality of life of all of us in it," added the Capital.

The cleaning action represents the finalization of the activities that are being carried out at this location. NGO Green Home, in collaboration with Security Guard in the Capital, cleaned the firefighting roads, trimmed the branches and cleaned the garbage, construction waste and tires in the Forest Park on Cemovsko polje, at the location across the Logistic Center Voli. Cemovsko polje is a unique green area that is exposed to fire sectors, among which there are fire paths.

NGO Green Home activities are financially supported by the Montenegrin Telekom through the program 'For the common welfare'. This initiative is an example of good cooperation between the Capital, public companies, and the NGO sector.

Text by Z.N., on July 3rd, 2018, read more at CdM

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