Tivat and Podgorica Airport Receiving Special Vehicles

By , 14 Aug 2019, 13:12 PM Business
Electrical tug required in Tivat airport Electrical tug required in Tivat airport jetphotos.net

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For the first time in its history, the airport in Tivat will soon receive a special vehicle for towing and pushing aircraft on the airport platform (the so-called pushback tug), and the airport in Podgorica will get the vehicle for defrosting.

Montenegro Airports have issued tenders in value of 250,000 for the tug and 360,000 for the defrosting vehicle.

The tug will significantly improve the service of aircraft in Tivat and facilitate the work of ground handling teams and aircraft crews, who are now self-operating, parked on or off the platform of the airport Tivat. A tug with power and dimensions sufficient to serve commercial C-category passenger airplanes weighing up to 90 tons is required.

Special fluid from the defrosting vehicle sprays the wings and tail surfaces of the aircraft. Although the climatic conditions in Podgorica almost never freeze at the airport, AMNE has, after a severe winter a year and a half ago which caused major difficulties in air traffic during several days, opted to purchase this expensive equipment

Tug bids will be received by September 16, and the successful bidder will have 150 days from the date of signing the contract to deliver the new vehicle to Tivat Airport and to train the employees who will use it. The tender for the defrosting vehicle ends on 15 August and the successful tenderer will have 180 days to deliver it.

Text by Sinisa Lukovic, on August 12th, 2019, read more at Vijesti

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